Смешать эти ингридиенты в серебрянной ступке:
щепотка розмарина
веточка кипариса
корень ярроу
Растолочь, затем продолжать:
Powers of the witches rise
Course unseen across the skies
Come to us who call you near
Come to us and settle here
Смешать с каплей собственной крови, затем продолжать:
Blood to blood I summon thee
Blood to blood return to me
Вызвать Привидение Грэмс
Пайпер и Фиби
Требуется: круг из свечей
Hear these words, hear my cry
Spirit from the other side
Come to me, I summon the
Cross now the great divide
Передвинуть Инспектора Кортеза
Произносят: Грэмс и Фиби
Take him back
Take him away
Remove him now
Don''t let him stay.
We call on the spirits to help undo
And send him off to Timbucktoo.
Зачаровать Объект
Произносят: Пайпер и Фиби
Magic forces far and wide,
Enchant these so those can''t hide,
Allow this witch to use therein,
So she can reveal the evil within
Способствовать Компромиссу
Произносит: Пейдж
These words will travel through the minds
Of stubborn parties and unbind,
The thoughts too ridged to be kind,
A compromise they''ll dis-entwine.
Обратить Созданную Карму
Произносят: Фиби и Пейдж
Написать заклинание на листе бумаги, затем сжечь в пламе свечи
Guided spirits,
Hear our plea.
Annual this magic.
Let it be.
Please let it be.
Произносит: Пейдж
Let the object of objection
become but a dream,
As I cause the seen
to be unseen
Создать Карму
Произносит: Пейдж
В этом эпизоде Пейдж поменяла слово ''demon'' на ''dirtbag''
Let cruelty, pain and evil ways
Follow this villain through all his days
Reverse the torment he creates
To turn on him a crueler fate
Вызвать Пайпер - Фурию
Произносят: Пейдж и Фиби
Требуется: капля крови в пламе свечи
Power of the sister rise,
Course unseen across the skies,
Come to us, we call you near.
Come to us and settle here.
Blood to blood,
I summon thee.
Blood to blood, return to me
Убить Гаммилла
Произносят: Фиби, Пейдж и Пайпер
Small of mind (small of mind)
Big of woe (big of woe)
The pain you caused (the pain you caused)
You now will know (you now will know)
Вызвать/Очаровать Принца
Произносят: Злая Колдунья, Пейдж
Bring together my prince and me.
Let him fall on bended knee.
I summon him to my side,
That he may take me to be his destined bride.
Открыть Портал В Прошлую Жизнь
Произносит: Пейдж
Bring together my prince and me.
His kingdom now I wish to see.
Crossing history to his side,
From myself I will not hide.
Победить Электрического Демона
Произносят: Фиби, Пейдж и Пайпер
Vanquish, we three witches cry.
One final shock and then you die.
Победить Хамелеона
Произносит: Пайпер
Evil hiding in plain sight
I use this spell with all my might
Stop your changing form and shape
This vanquish seals your fate
Соединить Разум
Произносят: Фиби и Пейдж
Life to life and mind to mind
Our spirits now will entertwine
We meld our souls and journey to
The one whose thoughts we wish we knew
Увидеть Музу
Произносит: Фиби
Being of creativity,
show yourself now to me.
Your light that shines upon our face,
let our vision now embrace
Колдун побеждает Лимерика
A warlock is a funny thing,
he blinks from place to place,
and when we say these words to him,
his face they will erase
Найти Музу
Произносят: Фиби, Пейдж и Пайпер
Being of creativity,
We call ourselves now to thee
Your light now darkened in a ring
Shall feel the power of three we bring
Победить Колдуна
Произносят: Фиби, Пейдж и Пайпер
Evil is a faithful foe, but good does battle best.
We witches will, with these words,
waste the warlocks evil zest.
Перестать Видеть Муз
Произносят: Фиби, Пейдж и Пайпер
Being of creativity,
Hide yourself now from me,
Your light that shines upon our face
From our vision, now erase
Расширить Воображение
Произносит: Пейдж
Let mind and body soar
To heights not reached before
Let limits stretch
That you may catch
A new truth to explore
Вызвать Дух Анджелы Провизоли
Произносят: Фиби, Пейдж и Пайпер
Hear these words
Hear our cry
Spirit from the other side
Come to us we summon thee
Cross now the great divide
Beloved spirit Angela
We seek your guidance
We ask that you commune with us
And move among us.
Уничтожить/Ослабить Магический Щит
Произносят: Фиби, Пейдж и Пайпер
Door unlock
No magic block
Победить Лудлоу
Произносят: Фиби, Пейдж и Пайпер
The brittle winter
gives way to flowers of spring
Ludlow is vanquished
Победить Источника Зла(Коула)
Произносят: Фиби, Пейдж и Пайпер
Prudence, Penelope, Patricia, Melinda,
Astrid, Helena, Laura, and Grace...
Halliwell witches stand strong beside us,
Vanquish this evil from time and space.