Titel Book of Shadows 1693 Stampa rossa tre streghe (front woodcut) Dominus Trinus A spell for invoking the Power of Three Charm of Multiplicity Desiderata Truth Spell To hear Secret Thoughts To exchange power On the place of Magic in the rearing of a child Brianna and the Lord of Wars Scrying for something lost Titolo Demons (Demons Title) Auras and Grimlocks Cryto To call Blood to Blood To cast a protective circle Demon description To extract Knowledge Ghosts, Poltergeists, Huntings Categories of Ghosts and Spirts To send an evil Ghost to Judgement Kali Javna The hand of Fatima Spirit Classification To draw a love To drive away a love Charm of love The Wendigo Come la terra... (Italienische Seite) Rite of Passage The Demon of Fear Tempus To lure an evil Spirit To vanquish a Ghost and return him to his rest Dragon Warlock Enchantment Spell Time Loops Masselin To vanish Masselin Happy Anniversary Sleep Spell The Seekers Eames Demonic Bounty Hunter The Guardians Muses To kill a Female Warlock Hemlock Killing Spell Dark Priestesses Familiars Libris Past Life Spell The Succubus To attract and destroy the Succubus Belthazor Vanquish Potion Belthazor To summon Belthazor The Banshee To track a Banshee Vinceres The Seven Deadly Sins Identifying the Seven Deadly Sins The Ice Cream Man and the Nothing The Furies The Academy The Seer Demonic Power Broker To find a lost love Reversal Spell Famous Books Safety Spell Water Demon Shax Jeric How to perform a Seance To call a lost witch Alchemist's Tools Alchemist Demons Hawker Demon The Collector The Tall Man Titans Banishing a Ghost Demon of Anarchy Kurzon To disempower a witch Level Two Demons' Weapon Ordo Malorum Demon of Cruelty Andras To call upon our Ancestors The Crone Troxa To promote Compromise Lazarus Demon Guardians of the Hollow Evil Enchantress To call a lover to Oneself Deflection Monkey Totem Swarm Demons Necromancer The Witch Doctor Vampires Scabbar Demons Demonic Sorcerers Daleek Imara Vanishing Spell Instant Karma Spell The Firestarter Necron Mind Link To break a Mind Link Magical Amulets Activation Spell Manticore Scrying for other objects Zahn Brute Demons Kodzoman Big scary Demon To separate a witch from her powers Trackers Nicholas must die The Halliwell Matriarchs The Elders Mercury Demons Aura Cleanse To lose a Love forever Mariners Valkyries Sargon To discourage a lover Handfasting Scavenger Demon Tracer Demon Phoenix Shakti & Shiva Celerity Demon Trok Demon Bosk Executioner Demons To stretch the imagination Saleel Dark Knight To summon the dead Stillman Sisters Tips for future Whitelighters Gremlins Bunyip To bind Erase a memory To move ahead in Time Return Spell To create a door Love Potion Love Spell To set back Time Vicus Zankou The Undead Nell (2 lateinische Seiten) Unbecoming the Wendigo Awakening Spell To reverse Awakening Spell Woogyman Spell To accelerate Time Warlock Spell Stampa rossa S. Augustinus (back woodcut) To Relinquish our Powers Spider Demon