Заклинание, для того чтобы видеть то, что не видят другие
In this tween time
This darkest hour
We call upon the secret power
Three together stand alone
Command the unseen to be shown
In innocents we search this guys
And chanted our are now found us
Заклинание, чтобы освободиться от подарка Эмпата
Free the empath
Release his gift
Let his pain be cast adrift
Заклинание для получения микстуры, чтобы победить Белтхазора
Spirits of Air, Forest and Sea
Set us of this demon free;
Beasts of hoof and Beasts of shell
Drive this demon back to hell.
Заклинание,вызывающее Белтхазора
Magic forces black and white,
Reach out through space and light.
Be he far, or be he near.
Bring us the demon Belthazor here.
Заклинание, чтобы победить алхимика
Let flesh be flesh and bone be bone
the Alchemist shall transform none,
cruel scientist of evil born
with this words face the fire?s scorn.
Host soul reject this evil essence
Let loves light end this cruel possession
Заклинание, убивающее Хеймса
Time for amends and a victims revenge,
cloning power turned sour,
power to change turned to strange
I''m rejectin your deflection.
Заклинание потери и находки
Guiding spirits I ask your charity
lend me your focus and clarity,
Lead me to the one I cannot find
restore that and my peace of mind.
Заклинание, чтобы найти Тома
Show me the path to the one I cannot find
to save Tom and restore Prue''s peace of mind.
Заклинание,завершающее действие первого
I return what I didn''t want to find.
Let it be out of sight, out of mind.
Заклинание, позволяющее Прю и демонам напасть на ее сестер
Through this book
Weave this spell
Create the pain of heaven to hell
May she suffer
Excemo Dempress Anama Tomb
Powers of light
Magic of bright
Cast this flight
Into forever''s night
Непонятное заклинание...
Heart to deep
Body to they
Always and forever
So mode it be
Заклинание, вызывающее ангела смерти
Spirits of air, sand and sea
Converge to set the Angel free
In the wind I send this rhyme
Bring death before me before my time
Заклинание, чтобы победить ищущих
Knowledge gained by murderous means
Is wisdom''s bitter enemy
The mind that burns with stolen fire
Will now become you''re funeral pier
Заклинание, исполняющее сеанс
Beloved unknown spirit, we seek your guidance
We ask that you commune with us and move among us
Заклинание, чтобы увеличить смертную боль в 9 раз
Nine times this evil has cheated death
felt no pain and kept its breath
This warlock standing in our midst
let him feel what he has missed
Заклинание для поиска Банши
Let the piercing cry that feeds on pain
And leaves more sorrow than it gains
Shall now be heard by one who seeks
To stop the havoc that it grieks